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President’s Message

A Message From the President

It gives me immense pleasure to share my thoughts through the maiden souvenir of Tamil Nadu Pest Management Association (TNPMA). Pest Control Associations is not new and neither is the pest control industry. It’s a great point to note that pest control industry has withstood all climates of challenge over decades by gaining a CAGR of higher double digit percentage growth. As has been the growth in the Market and Industry, the same has been the growth of number of pest control companies. Pest control companies are having a binary pattern of growth as seen in the market, which in itself is an indicator of opportunity in the industry at the same time indicates the space for need of structural bodies which can strengthen and support the ever increasing number of pest control companies
In lieu of this situation of pest control industry as a whole, pest control companies in Tamil Nadu, geographical needs and cultures of Tamil Nadu prevailing, like minded people came together to start the First Pest Control Association in Tamil Nadu, keeping in mind paramount interest of Tamil Nadu Pest control companies and Tamil Nadu pest control market. TNPMA encompasses culture of all stake holders of pest control industry viz pest control companies, distributors, pest control products and equipment manufactures and also involving govt regulatory bodies by seeking suggestion, guidance and time to time participation from them.
The objectives of TNPMA were kept very simple and had NO barriers for any membership, however caution and care was taken to onboard those members who have the accountability to follow the regulatory norms of the Industry such that TNPMA members stand as an example that regulations are not an obligation for doing business but it’s an identity of doing business in this industry. Second to make TNPMA as a go to pest management association for their solutions for the business challenges. To keep abreast with the objectives and channelize the strength and resource towards the objective we have monthly periodic meetings of the members.
In line with key objectives of TNPMA, it gives me great joy to inform on the first step in this direction by creating an innovative pest identification guide for the first time which is shown in this souvenir. Going forward TNPMA is committed to embrace the technology very fast and think innovatively to bring platform / solutions to the members embracing technology. TNPMA also want’s to be a facilitator for the progression of profession for each member by addressing needs of business challenges, knowledge challenges, technical challenges and competitive challenges by looping with domain expert, seeking their suggestions, taking trainings, sessions etc such that members take TNPMA as their next door person to go for solutions.
We believe that all TNPMA members being business owners, sure know what’s best for their business and we do not want to engage in reinventing the wheel nor teach business to business owners. We would create a platform to make things easier for their business, especially in this changed business environment(GST, Increased statutory compliance etc). We want make distance between challenges and solution small, but have ‘THINK BIG’culture. Iam sure we all are committed to love, live and leave the pest control industry with the contribution to the industry.
I take this opportunity to Wish All the Best to All Pest Control Industry stake holders All the Best for moving forward taking into stride the changing business environment, most importantly I would like to take this opportunity to “Thank” all the TNPMA members for the support and confidence exhibited during this one year period.

